
Emergency Cover-Up

When an extreme weather event damages your building, you need a company with the expertise to provide a temporary watertight cover-up.

  • All types of Commercial or Residential Roofing Systems
  • Structural Repairs
  • Window/Door Security Cover-Up to Protect Contents

We have successfully provided emergency cover-ups on schools, high-rise commercial buildings, industrial buildings, shopping centers, and various residential structures.

Inspections / Roof Analysis / Appraisal Services

We have seen all types of roof systems in a wide array of conditions and have the expertise to provide solutions to visible and unseen problems. We will inspect your roof system and perform the appropriate testing in order to provide the following:

  • Roof Analysis – We will provide photos, lab results, and detailed explanations of the current condition of the roof system along with a specific scope of work for any needed repairs.
  • Appraisal – Based on the Roof Analysis and existing roof system, we can provide an estimated useful life and replacement value. This service is typically used when purchasing or selling a property.

Insurance Claim Expertise

We have been involved in hundreds of roof repairs and replacements for commercial and residential roof systems. We can help ensure that you, the property owner, are being adequately compensated in order to properly and fully repair damages your property has sustained. We will assist with the following:

  • We will schedule and meet with the insurance adjuster to assist in establishing and documenting the damage that was sustained.
  • We monitor and track methods and pricing of most insurance companies, and will ensure that the compensation for repairs is adequate.
  • Should there be any discrepancies, we will handle any additional meetings with the adjusters in order to identify the corrections that are needed to adequately compensate for the damages that have occurred.